Gassen is a hockey fan with a unique interest. He's combined his memories to write "a personal history of the Indianapolis Racers" hockey team. The book is entitled Red, White and Blues.
Gassen is in the process of sending me a review copy of the book, so I don't really know much more than what is said at his website, whaRACERS.com.
But I thought there would be interest in this title. After all, the games two highest scorers started their careers in Indianapolis - Wayne Gretzky and Mark Messier.
Their time in Indy is greatly overlooked, almost forgotten about really.The book promises "for the first time, the real story behind Wayne Gretzky and his mysterious million dollar signing with the Racers as a 17-year-old rookie in 1978, and the details of his fateful journey to the Edmonton Oilers — and the Hall of Fame."
The book also promises a firsthand and "complete Racers franchise history, told by the players, coaches and fans themselves."
Gassen, who is a columnist over at InsideHockey.com, has a small publisher. The 152 page paperback book with 32-page photo section will be sold in "fine bookstores throughout North America," but as of right now books are sold at whaRACERS.com. While there appears to be no links available at Amazon or Chapters.ca at this time, the books are available immediately through Gassen's site.
I will have a book review up as soon as possible.