Hey what sports doesn't like a little hockey trivia? And it makes for a perfect small Christmas gift or stocking stuffer.
Well there's no shortage of options of trivia books again this Christmas.
The king of hockey trivia is Don Weekes, author of (by my count) 24 hockey trivia books! In 2007 he's teamed with Greystone Books for two new titles: Shootout Hockey Trivia
and Crease-Crashing Hockey Trivia
, both selling for under $10!
By the way, here's some Don Weekes trivia for you - Weekes is an award winning television producer-director at CTV Montreal, and his trivia has been used by TV stations, radio stations, websites and magazines all around the world. Most interestingly, his hockey trivia has ended up on cartons of Post cereal and Jell-O Pudding Cups!
Jesse Ross and Raincoast Books offers something a little more geared towards younger fans in the new title: Hockey: Games, Trivia, Quizzes and More!
There's trivia, crosswords, matching games, word searches and puzzles. Its a fun book from the author of The Amazing Allstar Hockey Activity Book
There's one more book I think you shouldn't be too hasty to pass over. If you like to read my lead stories at Greatest Hockey Legends.com, you'll probably enjoy Uncle John's Bathroom Reader Shoots and Scores!
, published in Canada by Raincoast Books. It's an eclectic collection stories, facts, and more often than not hockey history, the type of stuff I love to headline over at Legends. You'll learn lots in short bursts, and have a lot of fun doing it.
Well there's no shortage of options of trivia books again this Christmas.

By the way, here's some Don Weekes trivia for you - Weekes is an award winning television producer-director at CTV Montreal, and his trivia has been used by TV stations, radio stations, websites and magazines all around the world. Most interestingly, his hockey trivia has ended up on cartons of Post cereal and Jell-O Pudding Cups!
Jesse Ross and Raincoast Books offers something a little more geared towards younger fans in the new title: Hockey: Games, Trivia, Quizzes and More!
