In this store I found a copy of Eric Whitehead's 1977 book Cyclone Taylor: A Hockey Legend. I think the book cost $5, but thinking I already had the title in paperback back home, I put the book back on the shelf. But at at the last minute I decided hey why not and picked it up.
It's a good thing I did, because it turned out to be a gold mine.
On the inside title page is the following inscription:
"Jan 22, 78.
For Denome + John Kerr
Fred W (Cyclone) Taylor"

I would not have the foggiest idea on how to verify if the signature is authentic. Assuming it is legit, I would have no idea how much such an item might be worth in the collectibles market. I suspect a tad more than five bucks.
Perhaps one of my readers can shed a little more light on the value of such a unique and I'd assume rare autograph.
The Legend, The Book
Cyclone Taylor was hockey's first national superstar, known to Canadian hockey fans on both coasts and everywhere in the early 1900s. Whitehead's book brilliantly looks back at Taylor's career and life. While many Canadians may recognized the name Cyclone Taylor, very few know much about him. This book is an excellent resource not only about Taylor, but about early 1900s hockey and other legends.
RT - grandson of Cyclone Taylor
Rob in North Van
Rob in Vancouver