I was in a Coles bookstore (Chapters affiliate) today and noticed a new hockey title on the 80% off bargain tables. Sure enough, chapters.indigo.ca has it listed now too.
Zamboni by Eric Dregni is 128 page hardcover book covering the entire history of hockey's most famous machine. The book honours inventor Frank J. Zamboni, offering a fun-filled history of "machine-age ingenuity and entrepreneurial spirit that forever changed the nature of sports on ice." The book is officially licensed by Zamboni which allows for a wealth of material from the Zamboni archives. There's a complete history of the machine's evolution to entertaining sidebars and dozens of amazing photographs.
It's only $4.99 now at chapters.indigo.ca folks. A great pick up.

It's only $4.99 now at chapters.indigo.ca folks. A great pick up.