I bought before Christmas 1997 and a year later I bought another copy as a back up because I referred to it so often that it was breaking down.
It is also a book that people constantly asked me how they could get a copy. The book surprisingly disappeared pretty quickly as the publisher remaindered the book and offered it for as little as $3.99 before everyone could get a copy.
Enter the year 2009, and we have excellent news to report. Podnieks is back with a beautiful updated book called Canada's Olympic Hockey History, 1920-2010.
Buy The Book: Amazon.ca - Chapters - Amazon.com

The book is full of some of the most amazing historical photos found anywhere. The old black and whites of Olympics from decades ago are the most interesting, as they document just how far the great game has come.
You likely will not realize how special the photo collection is until after you buy the book though, since the book is sitting on store shelves in shrink wrap. Fortunately Lisa at HB Fenn allowed HockeyBookReviews.com to display exclusive sneak peeks inside the book:

Many of these photos are not found in the original book, by the way.
I could rave on forever about the imagery in the book, but the written information is equally as amazing too. Andrew Podnieks is a masterful researcher who likes to share unique stories and accounts. This book is full of just such special moments. Many of the stories are carry overs from the original text, although when possible Podnieks added new material.
Of course there is also a statistical compendium here as well, recording the statistics of every man and woman to ever play an Olympic game for Canada.
With the Olympics coming up on us quickly, Canada's Olympic Hockey History, 1920-2010 is a very special coffee table book that is the perfect Christmas gift for the Canadian hockey fan.