Are you looking for a good electronic book to cuddle up with with your Kindle?
That's funky talk for saying Amazon.com
's new Kindle book reader now has a number of hockey titles listed for download. The best part - the books are mostly under 10 bucks.
and Amazon.com
both have an amazing collection of hockey e-books from your favorite authors including: Don Cherry, Ken Dryden, Stephen Brunt, Don Weekes, Todd Denault, Bob McKenzie and many, many more!
Hockey Books For Kobo
Canadian book giant Chapters is certainly hoping you hear a lot about Kobo in the coming months. Formerly known as ShortCovers, it is their attempt to conquer the e-book market and grow sales internationally.
Unlike Amazon, Chapters isn't interested in selling readers, just the e-books (although a Kobo Reader is coming). Their service includes free downloadable software for many forms of e-book reading, including iPhone/iPod (and presumably iPad shortly), Blackberry, Palm Pre, and, thanks to Adobe Digital Editions software, on any computer. As I understand it, the Adobe software even allows pdf conversions so you can use the Kindle.
Check out Chapters' Kobo section today for e-books
That's funky talk for saying Amazon.com
Hockey Books For Kobo
Canadian book giant Chapters is certainly hoping you hear a lot about Kobo in the coming months. Formerly known as ShortCovers, it is their attempt to conquer the e-book market and grow sales internationally.
Unlike Amazon, Chapters isn't interested in selling readers, just the e-books (although a Kobo Reader is coming). Their service includes free downloadable software for many forms of e-book reading, including iPhone/iPod (and presumably iPad shortly), Blackberry, Palm Pre, and, thanks to Adobe Digital Editions software, on any computer. As I understand it, the Adobe software even allows pdf conversions so you can use the Kindle.
Check out Chapters' Kobo section today for e-books