The latest entry in the Triumph Books "100 Things" series is 100 Things Blackhawks Fans Should Know And Do Before They Die . It is written by Tab Bamford, the owner and managing editor of and columnist at The FourthPeriod. None other than Jeremy Roenick contributes the foreword. These "100 Things" books tend to be pretty formulaic. They offer a lot of franchise history which is always a great thing. There are a lot of contemporary fans who have no idea about the glorious history of the Chicago Blackhawks and that is a shame. That is why I recommend this book as a Christmas gift for the Chicago hockey fan on your Christmas shopping list. Buy The Book: - Chapters - Here's much more information about the book courtesy of the Triumph Books press release: The storied Chicago Blackhawks professional hockey franchise has long been full of pride and passionate fans, and the Hawks have provided decades of incredible m...