Wearing the "C" insignia on the uniform-a badge of honor reserved for team captains-is professional hockey's highest honor, and this study discusses how many of the NHL's all-time greatest players were captains.
The exciting new book - Wearing the "C": Leadership Secrets from Hockey's Greatest Captains
- an entertaining and enlightening blend of hockey stories and leadership lessons-reveals the secrets of hockey's greatest captains by asking questions such as:
For me this is a fascinating read. I thoroughly enjoy the chance to learn leadership skills from people I admire. Specifically I like to see how hockey leadership can translate to the real world. Now you have to sift through the collection of quotes to find the real gems, but I believe everyone can take away something of value from this book and apply it in their own lives.
Buy The Book - Amazon.ca
- Chapters - Amazon.com
The exciting new book - Wearing the "C": Leadership Secrets from Hockey's Greatest Captains
- What does it take to lead a team to championship?
- What are the keys to overcoming unexpected adversity?
- How does a captain manage strong egos from diverse backgrounds into a unified, focused team?
For me this is a fascinating read. I thoroughly enjoy the chance to learn leadership skills from people I admire. Specifically I like to see how hockey leadership can translate to the real world. Now you have to sift through the collection of quotes to find the real gems, but I believe everyone can take away something of value from this book and apply it in their own lives.
Buy The Book - Amazon.ca